This is a site to show off projects of mine that have been published on the internet.
Holy cow! It has been a while since I have made an update here. Not much has changed, but here is a short update on a few things
In terms of Garden Buddy a few things are happening (don't worry, they arent bad! :) ):
-- The application will be using a custom API developed by me (GardenPlantsAPI): this API will return AI generated content and will be cached within a MongoDB database. Thus, this creates a simple plant database that is essentially generated by AI.
-- With the creation of this new AI generated API, I can only add the plants that I have done research on or know exist, so I'm sure that I will miss quite a lot of plants that could be added. With that, within the app users can request that a plant is added to the database and request that data be changed if something seems incorrect.
-- This new API will feature many plants that are available for garden use, like herbs, flowers, vegeateables, and fruit trees. Not only that, but varieties of plants will be included as well.
-- Garden Buddy, development-wise, the app is nearing completion every day! At the moment everything is implemented, but many tweaks and UI changes still need to be made. The app is fully functional, but is not ready to meet users eyes quite yet, so stay tuned for more updates on this! When the app is released, there may be a lack in information coming from the API, this is due to the API still being worked on, so expect that the server may not respond is some instances.
- ToxicFlame427, The lead (and only) developer
New description coming soon
Contains ads and in-app purchases. Learn more about this app here.
Available only for Android