This is a site to show off projects of mine that have been published on the internet.


Is anything new? (July 20th, 2024 at 11:05 P.M. CDT)

Ok, so, I have been doing some thinking: to make the development and update process easier for me with Garden Buddy, I had decided to rewrite the app for the 3rd time, but with the Flutter cross-platform framework. I have abandoned the SwiftUI version and it will be replaced with this new Flutter build, along with the Android version, it will be replaced by the new Flutter build. The project has just begun, however I plan on this being released sometime in August. Stay tuned fror more updates on this project!


I know that I have been looking forward to the initial release of the iOS version, however for easier development for both platforms, I had decided to go cross-platform for the first time, and we will se how it goes!


 - ToxicFlame427, The lead (and only) developer

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