Garden Buddy - Garden Assistant



Android Icon

Android Version

Kotlin IconMade with the Kotlin language and Jetpack ComposeJetpack Compose Icon

Android Studio IconProduced in Android Studio

Apple Icon

iOS Version (Coming Soon)

Swift IconMade with the Swift language and SwiftUI

XCode IconProduced in XCode


Introducing Garden Buddy - your ultimate companion for all things green! 🌱

Transform your gardening experience with this must-have Android app that puts a world of botanical knowledge right at your fingertips. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or just starting your plant journey, Garden Buddy has got you covered!

🔍 Explore a vast database of more than 10,000 plants and 100 plant diseases, complete with detailed species information to help you nurture your garden to perfection provided by the Perenual team.

📷 Snap a quick pic and let our powerful plant identification feature do the rest. No more guessing - instantly discover the name and details of any plant you encounter.

💡 Have burning questions about your garden? Fear not! Our AI gardening guru is here to provide expert advice and answers to all your queries, ensuring your garden thrives year-round.

💚 Save your favorite plants for offline viewing, so you can access essential information anytime, anywhere - even without an internet connection.

With Garden Buddy by your side, gardening has never been easier or more enjoyable. Download now and let the journey to greener pastures begin! 🌿


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Coming soon...

Don't hesitate, you can get it now!
